Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"Spending" Ourselves on Others

Well...Rebekah and I leave for the Autism Treatment Center for our training to set up our SonRise Program for Levi, in 11 days. I can't believe it’s coming up so soon. It's only been just a couple times that I'm being able to recall leaving the family for so long!

 Originally, I had planned on taking Gemmie and bringing "big girl" baby sitters to stay with her while we went to the training. Then we decided she would be better off being home in her own environment for so long. Plus, car rides are hard on her still (and me ;)) So, I'M GOING WITHOUT MY BABY! (panic) I'm really trying to be practical about this, we need to be able to focus on this training...and she will be well taken care of.

 We had 700.00 to raise still when we had our last Old World Auction with all proceeds going to Levi's Mountain. We were able to raise over 1,000.00. The trip in a nutshell is totally covered (and a little extra for any surprise expenses).

 I am so aware of the "God Factor" here in the middle of all this, but He used our friends here to make it happen and we are deeply thankful to you all!

 So, his therapy room is the next project...and we have to get on it quick! We wish we could have this nailed down and ready for him by the time we get back from the training...but I'm not sure that's going to happen. We do have some idea's. There is a prefabricated building business that I'm going to stop by on June 12, and talk to the owner. I'm going to see if they get repo's. We may be able to set something up relatively inexpensive and we may even be able to get the supplies donated for the project.

 Would you please keep this project in your prayers? Doing Levi's therapy inside the house will work temporarily only...and may not work at all. Our home is not only very "un-soundproof", but there is way too much going on in our home (with 14 people) for us to be able to give him a distraction-free environment.

 ok...I am excited about this, but I'm starting to get the sense like I just dove off into one far end of the ocean and now...I'm just gonna have to swim! I know that God will give us the leading and grace to give Levi all that he needs! And that IS exactly what that is called, by the way. G R A C E. God is in the business of expanding our "abilities" and “resources” when we are wondering if we have what it takes.

 We all have some sort of a “life work”. Something that we feel is worthy to totally “spend” ourselves on. For me,
I’ve chosen my family as that life work. Yes, it IS a worthy cause. I’m not saying it isn’t hard or that sometimes I don’t fail or feel selfish, because it is…and I do. But it’s what my heart’s desire is. I want to give my family what God has intended me to give, to equip them with the tools to be successful in His Eyes. The awesome thing is that when we feel like we have given everything we have, He fills us up again…just so that we can keep giving. We don’t have to pull this “giving our all” thing off on our own. He has plenty of grace for us all. We don’t have to function in our own strength!

 So here we are, back to Levi. Even when it feels overwhelming and doubts and fears try to tackle my thoughts…We can do this! Perspective comes when we choose to BELIEVE that God IS who He says He is and that He WILL do what He says He will do!

 I love it!

Levi's mommy, 

<3 Angela

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