Tuesday, April 15, 2014

We're Almost There: Peak #1 of Levi's Mountain!

"May your dreams be larger than mountains and may you have the courage to scale their summits." -Harley King 

 We are so excited about our trip to the Autism Treatment Center of America! It's coming up really quickly now and we need to wrap up our first financial goal: raising the money for the trip (tuition, travel and housing). We need to raise another $1800-$2000 by May 1st! 

 This is really important, because raising the money for the trip is really only part of our goal! We need to start raising the money for Levi's specialized therapy room- an integral part of the Son Rise Program which we will be starting with him. As soon as we've finished paying for the trip, we'll start raising the money for a pre-fabricated building that we can turn into Levi's therapy room. 

 For those of you who are new to Levi's Mountain: Levi is our 9 year old son. He is a precious little boy who loves to laugh and sing and play outside, but he is severely autistic and completely non-verbal. Recently, we were made aware of a center in Massachusets called the Autism Treatment Center of America, that is having amazing success rates of helping children, just like our Levi, learn to conquer the challenges of Autism and communicate/have meaningful relationships. We are so hopeful that through the ATCA's program SonRise, we will be on the road to significant progress with Levi! 

 Like most programs, the cost of the training we need to start the SonRise Program with Levi is more than our family can swing, so we have been diligently running a fundraising campaign in order to raise the funds we need to help Levi and give him the opportunities he deserves

 So many generous people have donated their time, money and even products for the auction we held a few weeks ago! We have raised a lot of money already, but we need your help to keep on moving forward. Every little bit helps. If everyone gave just $1, it would add up to a whole lot of money! We could finish paying for the rest of our trip expenses in no time at all. We would be so grateful if you would pray about contributing to Levi's cause and climbing his mountain with us!!!   

 Thank you all for donating, for sharing Levi's story, and for praying!
Angela, Levi's Mommy 

"One cannot climb at all unless he has sufficient urge to do so. Danger must be met (indeed it must be used) to an extent beyond that incurred to normal life..." -Ax Nelson 

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